What do caring friendships look like?


We asked the students at Koo Wee Rup Primary School (P – Year 6) their thoughts:

We found out that a caring friend is someone who sticks up for you, does not say bad things about you and is warm and helpful.

What is a Caring Friend?

Friendly is when you look for a friend and they ask you if you need someone to play with. They are a friendly person!

In positive relationships, people ask you if you want to be friends.

Understanding your friends.

  • Caring friends stand up for their friends and report others if they need to.
  • Caring friends help each other. Being a caring friend takes a lot of dedication and love.
  • Caring friendships are warm.
  • Good friends have humour.

What a Caring Friend does:

  • A caring friend supports, listens, comforts, makes you laugh, compliments and helps you out.
  • Friends don’t post bad things about you.
  • Friends are generous.
  • Friends are playful.
  • I helped my friend to the sick bay when he was hurt
  • I make my friends laugh when they are sad
  • Playing games with my friends
  • Friends stand up for friends.
  • Caring friends don’t ask for inappropriate pictures of you.

In our story of the gingerbread man, he had lots of friends who helped him.

Go to What do caring families look like?